Are Stem Cell Injections the best Non-Surgical and Non-Opioid Option?
If you’re experiencing pain and stiffness in your shoulder that seems to be worsening, you may be suffering from adhesive capsulitis, commonly known as frozen shoulder. This condition can significantly limit your shoulder’s range of motion and cause discomfort.
Left untreated, frozen shoulder can hinder everyday activities such as dressing, cooking, or driving. In severe cases, it can even impact job performance, particularly tasks involving overhead movement.
While short-term pain relievers can provide temporary relief, it’s crucial to explore long-lasting treatment options beyond medication or surgery. At Axis Medical Center, we offer a non-surgical, non-opioid approach to assisting with frozen shoulder.
Causes of Frozen Shoulder
Adhesive capsulitis is characterized by stiffness and pain in the shoulder joint. Inflammation and tightening of the connective tissue around the joint can restrict movement and lead to a frozen shoulder.
While much is yet to be understood about the condition, identifying underlying causes and risk factors is essential. Let’s delve deeper into these causes.
Adhesive capsulitis can occur when the shoulder joint’s capsule becomes inflamed, causing swelling and thickening. This restricts the joint’s ability to contract and expand during movement, resulting in a frozen shoulder.
Prolonged Shoulder Immobility
Frozen shoulders can occur in individuals of any age, and there is no direct correlation between the condition and occupation or dominant hand.
Frozen shoulder can develop if the shoulder has been immobilized for an extended period, typically due to injuries or post-surgical circumstances such as mastectomy. Although the relationship between immobilization and frozen shoulder isn’t fully understood, it is considered a risk factor.
However, a study conducted in 2016 revealed that after 2 weeks of immobilization, inflammatory cells begin infiltrating the synovial fluid, which is a thick fluid that lubricates the joint, resulting in the thickening of the joint’s capsule.
Diabetes and Other Diseases
Although the connection between diabetes and frozen shoulder remains unclear, diabetic patients have a higher likelihood of being affected by adhesive capsulitis than those without diabetes.
In addition to diabetes, several other conditions increase the risk of developing a frozen shoulder. These include:
Parkinson’s disease
Cardiovascular disease
Risk Factors
- Being female
- Age between 40 and 60
- Recovering from a stroke
Symptoms of Frozen Shoulder
A frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, can significantly limit arm mobility for an extended period. The presenting symptoms of this condition can vary in intensity and nature, depending on the disease’s stage.
The stages of frozen shoulder include:
- Freezing Stage: In this initial stage of adhesive capsulitis, severe pain occurs, especially during movement. Avoiding movement to alleviate pain causes the joint’s capsule to thicken and stiffen, further restricting mobility. This stage typically lasts up to 9 months.
- Frozen Stage: During the frozen stage, pain may subside slightly, but shoulder stiffness becomes more pronounced due to the formation of thick scar tissue around the joint. The frozen stage can persist for up to 12 months.
- Thawing Stage: The final stage of adhesive capsulitis, lasting between 5 and 24 months, marks the beginning of shoulder mobility recovery.
Let’s explore these symptoms in more detail:
The most prominent symptom of a frozen shoulder is pain, which can be described as dull or aching. Pain worsens during the early stages of the condition and intensifies with arm movement or during sleep. Some individuals may experience pain radiating from the outer shoulder to the upper arm and biceps.
Reduced Range of Motion:
Pain and the development of thick scar tissue can limit shoulder movement. Lifting the arm or throwing becomes challenging due to restricted range of motion caused by the shoulder joint’s capsule and scar tissue bands.
As adhesive capsulitis progresses, adhesions form around the shoulder joint, impairing its freely moving functions. This results in a sensation of stiffness in the shoulder and arm.
Regenerative Stem Cell Opportunities at Axis Medical Center
Patients with adhesive capsulitis often undergo various treatments to manage pain and promote healing. Commonly prescribed options include pain relievers, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and steroid injections. It is vital to note that while these treatments may provide temporary pain relief, frozen shoulder can persist for up to 3 years. Relying solely on pain medications for extended periods can carry risks, including increasing dependency.
At Axis Medical Center, we specialize in regenerative treatments. Our expert medical team recommends advanced therapies, including stem cells, to support the healing process for long-term relief. Blending scientific expertise with compassionate care, our goal is to provide you with effective options that promote your recovery.
Contact Axis Medical Center today to discuss our regenerative treatment options for frozen shoulder and schedule an appointment. Don’t let frozen shoulder limit your quality of life – our dedicated team is here to help you find lasting relief.